2019 is well and truly here, and after a great 2018, we’re starting at full steam. We’re excited to share some great news and some of our big plans we’ve got here at Brightbox Software,
MudShark 7
We’re most immediately excited that MudShark 7 is almost here. And, it’s an understatement to say that it is our biggest release yet. It’s full of more flexible features, and more user requested additions, than any other release that’s come before. In the coming weeks we’re eager to show off the work we’ve done to give you control over your earthworks software.
MudShark 7 also brings with it a change in our pricing structure. From 1 February, prices will increase across most of our range of MudShark solutions (including ongoing Software Assurance). These prices will better reflect the greater scope of functionality in MudShark.

While we’re bringing you even more ways to make your earthworks estimating more efficient, we’re also investing in growing our business, so we can deliver you more of the features you want and the support you need.
We’d also like to introduce Danny Beaton, our new Operations Manager. Danny comes Brightbox Software with a wealth of experience in working with, designing, training, and supporting customers trying to achieve their estimating goals with construction software.

New website
If you haven’t noticed yet, we also have re-designed our website! You can now more easily find more information about who we are, and what MudShark can do to help you in your everyday work. We’re also being more active and sharing more information with blogs and across our social channels! For all the latest videos, news, tips, and more be sure to follow us on Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
We’re certain that together we can make 2019 count, and help you create your most accurate estimates, faster than ever.
The BrightBox Team.